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How Technology Buyers use AI: and the outsized opportunity it creates for Customer Marketers

Posted Mar 27, 2024 | Views 132
# AI
# Content Creation
Jeff Ernst
CEO @ SlapFive

AI presents the greatest opportunity for Customer Marketers ever! But not for the reasons you may think.

You see, buyers would rather have conversations with AI bots like ChatGPT than your sales reps to learn about potential solutions to their problems. They'd rather ask AI bots questions and get insightful answers than do Google searches and get links.

The good news? Customer Marketers hold the keys to the treasure chest that will make your companies and products relevant in this new world of AI-empowered buyers. You just need to learn how.

Jeff Ernst is the first person in the world to research when, how and why buyers use AI and to prescribe how Marketers must adapt to this new world. Join us for this eye-opening webcast where we discuss:

  • Why you should care about AI's grip on technology buyers and what will happen if you ignore it.
  • When, why and how tech buyers use AI to fill their most burning knowledge gaps.
  • How we as Customer Marketers must adapt what we do to get our companies and products into the conversations tech buyers have with AI.

As the creator of the Customer-Led Growth movement, Jeff Ernst guides senior executives on how to mobilize customers to drive profitable revenue growth. Jeff developed this approach as a Principal Analyst at Forrester, where he conducted extensive research into how prospects buy and how customers want to be engaged, and used those insights to help executives devise customer engagement strategies that drive new customer acquisition, onboarding and adoption, expansion, and renewal.

Jeff is the founder and CEO of Voice Advice, a Voice of the Customer (VOC) and Buyer (VOB) research company, founder and CEO of SlapFive, a SaaS Customer Marketing & Advocacy platform, and co-founder of CustomerX Pros, the largest and most active community of practice for Customer Marketing and Advocacy leaders.

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